"Somebody ought to tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit every minute of every day. Do it, I say, whatever you want to do, do it now." ~Michael Landon

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Week

I want to start off by saying how AMAZING the orchard chicken salad sub is at Subway!  That was my dinner after my run today.  I got the $5 footlong and always intend to save the other half but never do, whoops.

My ankle has been bothering me a little.  I tried KT tape only to realize my skin doesn't like it and the red dots have finally gone away.  I wore an ankle brace all day at work and when I ran.  I will see how the ankle feels tomorrow.

The weather here in Maryland is weird at the moment.  I couldn't decide whether to run outside or go to the gym because of the chance of rain and the wind wasn't too pleasent at work.  Well, when I finally decided to go for my run I decided to use the treadmill at the gym but it was so glorious and nice outside so I ended up running outside.  I did the same 3 mile run I've been doing (tomorrow I will mix it up).  It was nice, a little windy but overall perfect.  It rained a little but it was a nice rain.  With the brace on, my ankle didn't bother me and its not bothering me now, yay!

I got my second pair of running shoes today.  I am a bit bummed, they look ugly on me.  My roommate informed me that I need to wear black socks with black shoes but the socks I like (see previous post) don't come in black.  O well, I'll save these shoes for runs outside alone.  When I go to the gym or run with a friend then I will wear the pretty pink ones. 

I'm signed up for the Rockville Twilighter in July!!!  Its an awesome race run at night through Rockville, MD.  I ran it in 2009 but couldn't last year because I was sick.  It's an 8k.

Here's me before the race in 2009

Here is me after the race in 2009

Tomorrow and Thursday I'll be running 3 miles.  Rest on Friday.  7 miles on Saturday.

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