My ankle has been bothering me a little. I tried KT tape only to realize my skin doesn't like it and the red dots have finally gone away. I wore an ankle brace all day at work and when I ran. I will see how the ankle feels tomorrow.
The weather here in Maryland is weird at the moment. I couldn't decide whether to run outside or go to the gym because of the chance of rain and the wind wasn't too pleasent at work. Well, when I finally decided to go for my run I decided to use the treadmill at the gym but it was so glorious and nice outside so I ended up running outside. I did the same 3 mile run I've been doing (tomorrow I will mix it up). It was nice, a little windy but overall perfect. It rained a little but it was a nice rain. With the brace on, my ankle didn't bother me and its not bothering me now, yay!
I got my second pair of running shoes today. I am a bit bummed, they look ugly on me. My roommate informed me that I need to wear black socks with black shoes but the socks I like (see previous post) don't come in black. O well, I'll save these shoes for runs outside alone. When I go to the gym or run with a friend then I will wear the pretty pink ones.
I'm signed up for the Rockville Twilighter in July!!! Its an awesome race run at night through Rockville, MD. I ran it in 2009 but couldn't last year because I was sick. It's an 8k.
Here's me before the race in 2009 |
Here is me after the race in 2009 |
Tomorrow and Thursday I'll be running 3 miles. Rest on Friday. 7 miles on Saturday.
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