"Somebody ought to tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit every minute of every day. Do it, I say, whatever you want to do, do it now." ~Michael Landon

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Drained and Tired

I suck at updating this thing now.  I've been so busy.

I'm so drained and tired honestly and I don't know if its the move, lack of sleep, motivation, or nutrition issues (I don't know how to get more calories in).  I'm in a rut.  I'm running with my friend this weekend though so hopefully that helps.

This feeling cannot last....

And my calorie intake must improve.  I'm between 2500 and 3000 calories daily and I can't keep my weight up.  Maybe I shouldn't be training... I don't know...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I love this game!!
(and it kind of fits the topic)
Ok, I'm eating the amount of calories suggested by the nutritionist I've been seeing but I think its not enough because the last two workouts have killed me.  And I've been waking up ravenous in the middle of the night.  Yay, more food!  There is a bit of sarcasim there because I feel like I'm eating tons.  But at the same time it is nice to just be free to eat.  I don't know.

I can't get my lazy butt out of bed in the morning to run and with the heat it is too hot at night to run outside while there is still light.  I went to the gym and used the treadmill yesterday and today.  Yesterday I ran 3 and today I ran 6.  Tomorrow is a rest day and then on Thursday, my friend and I will wake up insanely early to run 13 miles.  Then somewhere in my packing and moving this weekend I'll get in 3 more miles.

My entries are boring, I apologize.

Saturday, July 16, 2011



Not was I had hoped for but I'm still proud.  I beat the goal of 46 minutes which I originally I set.  It was only when I looked up my 2009 time that I wanted to be under 42 minutes.  So yea.  Considering how hard I'm doing marathon training and all that my body has gone through this last year of my life... I'm going to give myself a break and keep running hard.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My week and my Prophecys (probably not the correct spelling but that's ok)

So, its been a good week running for the most part.

Tuesday: 3 miles on the treadmill.  I think it was something like 25:30 with no incline
Wednesday: 6 miles outside.  I confess that I went out at 10:30 and that was stupid.  It was so hot and sunny.  I ran 3, walked 1, and ran 2.  It took me an hour and 9 minutes which isn't too bad considering I walked one.
Friday (today): 3.4 miles outside in 30:24.  It was so good to get on a hilly route.  The trail I run on is hilly but not like this run so it felt good to get out there and do it.

Tomorrow: Rockville Twighligher 8k!!!  I'm excited!!!  I promise to try my hardest to make an entry tomorrow night or Sunday.

So now the AWESOME news.  For my birthday, my mom bought me the Mizuno Wave Prophecys.  I've been wearing Mizuno for like 7 years now so I'm so excited.  They came in today!!!  I'm kind of bummed I can't wear them tomorrow (because I haven't tried them out) but I'm excited to start using them next week!

Here's the description for the Mizuno Website:
"The result of seven years of intense research and development, Wave Prophecy is our most advanced, most dynamic shoe ever. Our engineers designed Wave Prophecy to match your running gait and the natural spring rate of your muscles and tendons. Whether you land on your forefoot, midfoot or heel, Wave Prophecy’s full-length Infinity Wave plates propel you forward with a smooth ride mile after mile. No matter how far and how often you run, you’ll always have the ride of your life. " http://www.mizunousa.com/running/feature/mizuno-wave-prophecy-running-shoes

Sunday, July 10, 2011

12 miles Yesterday and 2009 Race Times

My friend Nicole and I did an awesome 12 mile run on the Capitol Crescent Trail starting in Bethesda.  We were chatty for the first 6 miles, very chatty.  Then from mile 6-9 we talked but not as much and not as in depth.  Then mile 9 we were silent except for motivation to keep up with each other.  Then at mile 10ish, Nicole left me.  I was so amazed I stayed with her that long and I am so impressed.  I did 12 miles in 2 hours 4 minutes and 46 (I think) seconds!!!!  That's awesome!!!!!  My last mile was basically 12 minutes long so I was keeping a really good pace until the end when I couldn't maintain it.  I was secretely hoping to do it in under 2 hours but thats ok, I'm still happy.

I went looking for my 2009 summer race times:

6/20/09 - 10k - 56:(?seconds)
7/18/09 - 8k - 42:10
8/9/09 - 20k - 2:22:53
9/13/09 - Half Marathon - 2:05:46

I didn't race in 2010 because I was sick and I haven't done a race this year.  I have the 8k on Saturday.  I was amazed looking back at my time.  I ran 8:30 min/miles.  I hope I can do that again this year but I don't think I can.  I'm going to try though.  I remember the 20k, after traveling back from Hawaii 2 days before I hadn't run, it was hot, and I was just tired.  That race was miserable.  I made up for it in the half marathon.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Today and Other Stuff

Yesterday was my birthday so I babysat and went out to dinner with friends.  I did not run because I didn't sleep well the night before and didn't want to get up early (I am not a morning person).  But that's ok, it was my birthday and it was a great day.  It had moments of not being a good day but my quick thinking made it a great day and so did my wonderful friends.

Today I did cross training at the gym.  Not too exciting but cross seems to be the thing I am lacking.  I did an hour.  I don't put my cross training on dailymile because I like knowing the total miles are running miles and the time it calculates is just from running.

The thing I hate about the gym is it highlights the areas of my body I need "fixed".  I know I'm thin-ish but there are certain areas I wish I could just lose fat in.  The main area is the muffin top (love handles) in the back.  I doubt they are that obvious but I notice them.  I'm running this marathon not to lose weight or alter my body, if happens fine but its not my goal.  My goal is to finish the marathon and show that my body is strong.  My 24th year of life was spent a lot in the hospital, in fact, I turned 23 in the hospital.  Having brain surgery and being in an ICU is scary.  I feel so blessed and lucky that I've had no complications and I'm doing this well.  This marathon is not about the way my body looks but what it can do.  I want my 25th year of life to be a healthy one.  However, like most women, today is just one of those days I wish the love handles would go.  I'm glad that my next round of hard core blood tests, my MRI, and appointments with my neurologist, endocrinologist, and neurosurgeon are all scheduled for November and December.  If I get bad news then at least I will have already ran the marathon.

not me (obviously), just thought it kind of fit my discussion of a strong capable body that can run, climb (the mountain), etc.

Tomorrow, my friend Nicole and I will be running 12 miles.  The most I've ever run in my life is 13.1 miles when I ran a half marathon in 2009.  Its crazy to think that my personal runs will be longer than that soon.  Then next week is semi-easy.  It'll be a 3-6-3-and then an 8k race.  I had to alter my running schedule to fit this awesome 8k night race in.  I have to take a class next week that is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  And I babysit all day Wednesday.  Then I have a meeting Tuesday night and appointments Wednesday night.  And I'll have homework in this class.  So I'm hoping I can get it all in.  And I have moving and packing on my mind.... Ahhhhh!  Its a lot.

Well, I gotta get back to cleaning my bathroom... boooooooooooooooooo!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Awesome Run!!

I am very fortunate that I have awesome health insurance but sometimes it disappoints me.  Today was one of those days so I did not go to my Wednesday doc appointments.  I was mad at the time when I was dealing with all that drama but tonight I saved a lot of money in gas and I was able to get in my 5 mile run.

I went out at 7:30 tonight but it was still 90 degrees outside.  However, the sun was setting and I drove to someplace with trees but still close to major roads (for safety).  My mind was totally focused on running, I don't think I thought about anything else which is very different for me.  Normally I think about day to day things and run at a leisurely pace.  But I was determined to run in less than 50 minutes.  My total time was 48:26 Miles 3 and 4 were a little over 10 minutes but miles 1, 3, and 5 were awesome!!!  It was HOT!  Normally with this temperature I'd go to the gym but I toughed it out.  I was beyond soaked in sweat and dripping.  It was sooooooooo gross but at the same time I could tell that I worked hard.  I wore my water belt which was good because I needed water.  I am very happy with my time.  Now I don't have to worry about getting a run in tomorrow (its my birthday tomorrow and I have babysitting all day and my bday dinner at night).

I usually just like running for the fun of it.  I'm kind of getting into running for faster times.  I just don't want to get obsessed and I still don't want to aim for a marathon time, I just want to finish and do my best.

the content turtle now wants to run faster
Next Saturday (the 16th) I'm running an 8k and I'm hoping to get under 46 minutes.  I can't remember my exact time from 2 years ago when I ran this race but I'm hoping for less than 46 min.  Its a night run so we shall see, I won't have the sun but it'll be hot.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Awesome run on the treadmill

I don't have time to post but I ran 3 miles on the treadmill in 24 minutes and 49 seconds!!!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Boooooo for rain

I was supposed to run 5 miles today.  Since I was still sore last night, I decided I would do my 5 miles tonight.  I was waiting until 7pm so it would still be light but not as hot.  Kind of a fail.  I was dressed and just waiting for the temperature to drop a little more when I heard thunder and looked outside and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"  The sky was getting darker but it hadn't started to rain and the temperature had really dropped.  So I just darted out the door and started running.  I couldn't do the loop I had planned near my parents house because I wanted to stay close so if it did start pouring I would be able to get back home asap.  I made it to about 38 minutes before the drizzling rain came and the thunder got louder.  So I rushed home.  I got 4.4 miles in so I'm not too upset.  I could have easily just not have gone, I was thinking about it.  Rain wasn't the big issue, it was the rain + thunder.  It was a good run, just wish I had left like 6 minutes earlier so I could have got the whole 5 in.  O well, I gotta do ab work tonight so I'll just work harder on that.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sore.... very sore!

So my awesome 10 miler yesterday left me waking up in a world of pain and soreness.  I felt like I couldn't move, not fun.  I did get up and run/walk 3 miles but that was painful.  I slept like 12 hours last night and took a 3 hour nap today.  Wow, the sun and running are killing me.  I'll run 5 miles tomorrow night so hopefully my legs will have some rest.

My friend put this video on my facebook wall so I thought I'd share.

If only it were that easy.... but I'm glad its not because it would take away a lot of the excitement on training and completeing it.  If it were easy, people wouldn't frame their medals and put stickers on their car.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Uphill both ways

10 miles today with my friend Nicole!  We did AWESOME! especially compared to the last time we tried 10 miles.  It took me about 1 hr 45 min.  I did the first half in 51 min and the second half in 54 minutes.  The whole time we were running the first half, I kept saying that I though we running uphill on a small incline, Nicole told me it was flat.  I said the same thing on the way back and that is where I got my entry title.  Basically, you had to be there.  I had so much energy at the end, I totally should have tried to keep up with Nicole.  But I'm of the mindset that if I am going to spend close to 2 hours or more running, it should be enjoyable and not a killer.  The reality is that I am not an extreme or professional runner.  I am a girl who wants to run her 1st marathon and complete it.  I'm getting the distance in without stopping and I'm proud of that.  I'm not too concerned with my time come marathon day, I just want to finish and be proud that I did. 

I ran 3 miles on Wednesday.  It was awesome because I babysit during the day but this week the girl wasn't there and the boy had golf camp in the morning.  I was able to drop him off and run and get paid!  Sweet.  I wish I had done it yesterday too like planned but instead I took a nap.

3 miles tomorrow (slow) and 5 on Sunday.  I'm moving at the end of July so I'm mighty stressed, I hope it doesn't impact my running.

couldn't find a good picture with a woman

So today I saw my doctor about my kyphosis (basically I slouch) and how it is effecting my running.  She referred me to a physical therapist and then told me that not all body types were meant to run marathons.  She was excited that I was doing it though and when I left she told me good luck.  I'm very confused, except for that one comment, she seemed totally cool with the marathon and that is why she gave me the referral which she said she normally wouldn't be allowed to do since my case is mild.  I can't get in until August though so that sucks.