"Somebody ought to tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit every minute of every day. Do it, I say, whatever you want to do, do it now." ~Michael Landon

Friday, July 1, 2011

Uphill both ways

10 miles today with my friend Nicole!  We did AWESOME! especially compared to the last time we tried 10 miles.  It took me about 1 hr 45 min.  I did the first half in 51 min and the second half in 54 minutes.  The whole time we were running the first half, I kept saying that I though we running uphill on a small incline, Nicole told me it was flat.  I said the same thing on the way back and that is where I got my entry title.  Basically, you had to be there.  I had so much energy at the end, I totally should have tried to keep up with Nicole.  But I'm of the mindset that if I am going to spend close to 2 hours or more running, it should be enjoyable and not a killer.  The reality is that I am not an extreme or professional runner.  I am a girl who wants to run her 1st marathon and complete it.  I'm getting the distance in without stopping and I'm proud of that.  I'm not too concerned with my time come marathon day, I just want to finish and be proud that I did. 

I ran 3 miles on Wednesday.  It was awesome because I babysit during the day but this week the girl wasn't there and the boy had golf camp in the morning.  I was able to drop him off and run and get paid!  Sweet.  I wish I had done it yesterday too like planned but instead I took a nap.

3 miles tomorrow (slow) and 5 on Sunday.  I'm moving at the end of July so I'm mighty stressed, I hope it doesn't impact my running.

couldn't find a good picture with a woman

So today I saw my doctor about my kyphosis (basically I slouch) and how it is effecting my running.  She referred me to a physical therapist and then told me that not all body types were meant to run marathons.  She was excited that I was doing it though and when I left she told me good luck.  I'm very confused, except for that one comment, she seemed totally cool with the marathon and that is why she gave me the referral which she said she normally wouldn't be allowed to do since my case is mild.  I can't get in until August though so that sucks.

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